Input Tags in HTML

Input Tags in HTML

Input Tags in HTML

<input> is method in html for grabbing information from user, and we know that input are different types so input types are also different types,

syntax for input tag is - <input type="___">


In html text is default input type, which is use for text input.


Number is also a type for input, it can only take numbers as input.


Password type input is not showing what we are type, it prints star (*) inplace of them.


With checkbox input type we can take multiple values from user by clicking on check box appering in webpage.


Radio type is used for taking only one value in a category.

date or time

Date type is used for taking date and time is used for taking time from user.


We can give input type color also from which we can take color in input, a color input box is shown in page user can click on it and submit color any color.

Some extra input types are also used in html.
